Poem for my longtime friend drifting away, read under a starry night
I am a friend who will show up and build your flatpacked furniture, make fancy smoothies, and listen, and talk about our insights and struggles and stories for hours, like time doesn't exist.
You are too.
I've been on an inward spiral for 5 years? Which is good for personal reflection, but not good for connecting and taking bold steps in the world.
I choose stars like you as friends to shine together and to be reference points in this infinite cosmos. To help know who I am in each iteration of myself and navigate nourishing paths in this life.
Yet every constellation shifts over time.
Our formations that lit up the sky as we moved in synchronicity all these years were beautiful. Thank you. I love you always. I am grateful.
And lately, perhaps I've inconsiderately grasped onto your and my past celestial positions. In uncertainty, I'm looking for still points to anchor to.
The still point I seek can only be the divine in me.
So, shine on!
I will shine on too!
I'm tending to my fire and inner fusions, grateful and present for the new constellations taking shape as we all incrementally hurtle forward on our star paths.
12/27/24, by Helen Blodgett
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