In a Mourning Together group session, we meet in nature, ideally by the ocean because the ocean is big enough to receive everything we feel. If we're not near the ocean, we meet by a riverbank because the river connects us to the sea. We hold space- a safe container- in which each participant can cry, shout, or pound their fists on the earth- whatever happens naturally in that moment when we allow our grief to be expressed and leave our body. I'm glad you cry by yourself- we must sometimes. But as Francis Weller states, "Grief has never been private, it has always been communal." So if you're crying by yourself, you cannot simultaneously create a safe container for yourself in which you can explore the depths of your feelings, knowing you will come back into a safe space. Only community can provide that container. When community witnesses your suffering, they see it as their own and we lift the sorrows up together in a circle of love. Spirit receives it and we come back from the experience feeling lighter and more alive in the present.
Come experience a Sunday Mourning Together group session. 8:00am CST online. 9:00am CST in person in Minneapolis. See the details at
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